Eagle’s Nest Kehlsteinhaus

FKKTOURS map from bus station to kehlsteinhaus eagles nest top

83471 Berchtesgaden, Germany
Telephone Number +4986522969

Website https://www.kehlsteinhaus.de/
Webcam near the Kehlsteinhaus (great to get an up to date view of weather and conditions) Berchtesgaden Cam

NOTE: You could combine a day and visit both the Eagle’s nest as well as the Obersalzberg Bunker next to the lower parking lot


Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle’s Nest)
Is well worth your time and effort. Note that you should arrive earlier than later in the day because tickets sell out quickly as this is one of the most popular WWII sites in Europe.Tickets are sold first come first serve after which you wait for your bus. You can’t drive up to the actual site on your own. It’s a single lane narrow paved road used only by the site buses. Great vista’s on the right up and down. Going up you want to be seated the the passenger side and going down the driver’s side of the bus for the best photo’s. You can also hike up the trails to the nest or even hike one way back down thru lush Alpine forests and mountain streams. This is not for everyone due to the extreme altitudes and gravel, rocky trail. While wide and well marked it could be a bit too much for those out of shape. If interested you can go at it alone but make sure you allow for the 2-3 hours time See the link below for more details and photos. NOTE: The most important issue about planning a visit is “when” because if snow remains on the mountain late in the spring it will block access
to the Nest and therefore be closed. So pay close attention to snow conditions

Beginning May – End of October
Daily 8:30am – 4:30pm

3 Ways to get to the Kehlsteinhaus

  • Bus from Hintereck parking area to the upper Eagle’s Nest parking area
  • Hike from Ofneralm up to the Eagle’s Nest parking lot (approx. 1½ to 2 hours)
  • Hike from Scharitzkehl parking area to the Eagle’s Nest parking lot. (approx. 2 ½ to 3 hours)

You also have the option to ride up by bus and hike down which is much faster and easier then hiking up.


Note you’ll buy your tickets at the bottom of the mountain where there is plenty of free parking, restaurants, restrooms and gift shops. If you can wait plan on eating at the top for the views, authentic surrounds and a choice of indoor or outdoor seating. Your visit will go like this. 1. Purchase your ticket, wait for your bus (this depends when you buy your tickets) ride to the top parking lot, walk down a 200 meter tunnel (it was said Hitler’s car would drive down this tunnel to the end). Take a brass lined elevator to the top. Exit the elevator and enjoy the views, walk around, take a hike or have lunch. Note you have to register when you arrive as to the time you will depart. Because you can’t just hop on any bus. So give it some thought as to how long you’ll need. 1 hour to eat lunch, 1 hour to walk around and maybe more if you plan to hike up further past the site.

  1. Once at the top the options are to eat on the patio when weather permits. You can also dine inside the actual Eagle’s nest and enjoy great local beer and economically priced local Bavarian foods.
  2. Hike around the top and even go a bit higher on the existing trails. There are great vista’s of the areas and valleys (when weather permits). Best to go on a non-Cloudy day.
  3. Take a private tour, remember you’ll need to make arrangements in advance for this before you arrive. These tours are NOT operated by the Eagles Nest management.
    The guided tour includes the price of the bus ride.

    The individual morning tour to Eagle’s Nest (Kehlstein Tour) Meeting point: 9.20 am at the Kehlstein bus departure point
    (Parking Obersalzberg GPS: Salzbergstraße 45, 83471 Berchtesgaden).

    Eagles Nest Tour GmbH
    Oberschönauerstr 62
    83471 Schönau a Königssee
    Minimum: 20 persons, Duration: approx 35 min German or English
    Price: 39.50 Euros incl. Dokumentation Obersalzberg
    Fax: +49 (0) 8652 948091Below is a map of the parking lot A and the actual lot closest to the Eagle’s Nest B

    FKKTOURS map from bus station to kehlsteinhaus eagles nest
    Below is a closer image of the actual nest with the upper parking lot C

    FKKTOURS map from bus station to kehlsteinhaus eagles nest top

    hitlers eagles nest kehlsteinhaus

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